A Prayer for Difficult Times

A Prayer for Difficult Times

In the quiet, let us gather our hearts, many hearts beating, many people dreaming, many souls yearning for peace, for freedom from worry, for assurance of a brighter tomorrow.

We gather in difficult times.
Swelling numbers of people unemployed, hungry, afraid.
Swelling numbers of people living under the shadow of war and violence.
We gather in difficult times.

Here, in the quiet of our assembly, here in shared warmth and compassion, just for this moment, may we feel free of our burdens. May we breathe in together, gathering in peace. And may we breathe out together, letting go of worry and fear. (Breathe…)

Just for this moment, may we feel quietness of heart. May we breathe in together, gathering in gentleness. May we breathe out together, letting go of frustration and anger. (Breathe…)

Just for this moment, may we feel held in a community of loving souls. May we breathe in together, gathering in support and caring. May we breathe out together, letting go of loneliness and isolation.

Just for this moment, may we sit together, one community of peaceful, quiet, loving souls, buoyed by our shared strength and spirits. Just for this moment, may we know in our hearts that we are not alone.
